I wasn't sure about this kit, but it was a limited edition so I thought I would
give it a try. Unfortunately it didn't start out well. When you put a kit
together it says what gravity you should be at at certain points in time. This
was the first kit that didn't hit the starting gravity. Like an idiot I added
some sugar to get it a little closer to where it was supposed to be. I wrote the
company and asked what I did wrong. It turns out that this kit was a little
different. The last bit of gravity came from the skin pack. The didn't mention
that in their instructions so basically I deviated from the instructions so the
batch won't turn out as expected. The good news is that since they didn't
mention that little tidbit, I got a free kit of my choice.
I am letting the kit run and see how it turns out as a science experiment if nothing else. The fermentation stopped a long way from where it was supposed to be so I added some nutrient / energizer hoping to make up. Turns out that it worked, probably too well. The gravity went crazy low at 0.992. I stabilized and added the oak (back on recipe). Time will tell. |